Monday, February 11, 2008

Going to Speech

Last Monday I took Collin to speech at Ridgedale. It was the first week a new lady was taking over for the last speech therapist who left to have a baby. Collin did not want to go. He wouldn't keep his shoes and coat on- it was torture to just get him to leave the house. When we got there, he made me carry him in and then he wouldn't even look at the speech therapist. He kept his face buried in my chest and kicked me the whole half hour. When we left he threw his coat in the hall. He was very upset that we had even come.

So, this week I was a little concerned about going through all of that again. Joel offered to stay home with Chloe while I took him. I said, "Collin it is time to go to speech" He asked me if Claire would be there. I said no, but we could visit her class when we were done. I thought that was strange, since she isn't usually there anyway. He said we have to tell Claire that we are going to speech. Then when we were getting our coats on he wanted to wear his flip-flops. I was like- Collin it is the coldest day of the year. You cannot wear those. I pursuaded him to wear his boots. In the van on the way there, he said he wanted me to hold him in the waves like daddy did. I was like- "oh you mean when we go to the beach?" He wanted to know if I had our swimming suits with me.

I then realized, he thought we were going to the beach. My heart sank and I even shed a tear. I thought he would be soooo disappointed to realized that we were going to speech not the beach! I told him in the van before we went in that we would go to the beach again but in the summer when it was warm again. He seemed okay with that. He actually did so much better this week. Still not talking to anyone, but he communicated with head nods and pointing. He earned a sticker and a mint.

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