Friday, February 8, 2008

Lost - 8 mins summary - everything you need to know

Check out this great summary of Lost. There are many funny lines! Tell me what your favorite is! :)


Leigh Ann said...

Could only watch the first half. We're one season behind & Keith wants to hold off a while (since there's not much of a fourth season so far) & watch it on date nights this FALL. IT'S KILLING ME!!! I so want to watch the last half!! I love this show!!!! Can't wait to see season three!

But anyway, this is great! Love the "to the point" summary & quick blips to back each statement up. Funny. :)

Anonymous said...

That's great! It's amazing how far the plot has come since the beginning. My favorite quick lines...."The hatch blows his clothes off and now he can see the future" and "Kate and Sawyer think they are going to die, so they have sex" Funny! We love Lost!!

Jenny said...

I like it when they say "Sun is pregnant, but Jin is sterile, What's up with that?" and "Mr. Friendly throws like a girl"
Good stuff! We love Lost too!

The Camerons said...

I like the "Mr Friendly throws like a girl" too. Thanks for posting. It was good!! :)