Friday, March 14, 2008

Another Lesson in Mothering

I have a lot to do this weekend. We are having Claire's birthday party tomorrow and going to a Sunday School party, then on Sunday and Monday nights we are hosting 2 girls from a World Choir that is singing at our church Sunday night.

I baked Claire's cake this morning. I walked into the kitchen as it was cooling and there was Collin sitting on the counter with a knife. He had eaten the bottom edge of the cake all the way around 3 sides. I fixed it with some frosting. I forgot to take a picture though. I was a little frustrated, but kept my temper.

This afternoon, we were all in the basement cleaning up. Claire arrived home from school and Chloe disappeared. We were almost done in the basement anyway. I walked into the kitchen this time to see what you see in the picture below. I didn't keep my temper this time. I did apologize to them for yelling. Man. I tried to save it, but it looks dumb now. I don't know how to save it. I am making brownies too, but I may end up baking another cake tonight. I just don't have anywhere up high to keep it out of their reach. I tried to keep it in the microwave, but the frosting started to melt. Oh well. Another day of mothering preschoolers. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you did a fantastic job fixing the cake (or is that the new cake in the second pic?)
Anyway, Happy Birthday, Claire!
Whaddya think about Michael being on the boat? Last night's and last week's LOST episodes weren't as good as the Desmond episode. I think I'm spoiled.