Monday, February 25, 2008

I thought I would take today to write out some of the funny things Claire has said over the past week or so.

Last week I took Claire to the Dr. to see about an infection she had on her arm. I made an appointment for myself as well- suspecting a sinus infection. I rarely make it to the Dr. for myself. I am there a lot for the kids, what mom has time to go for herself? Collin, my shadow, of course wanted to come too even though Joel volunteered to stay home with him and Chloe. Anyway, the Dr. was asking me about my health history etc... (since this was my first appointment :) I said that I occassionally get hives on my face, but I don't know what causes it. I didn't realize Claire was listening and she says, "Maybe you are allergic to daddy!" We laugh, of course and I say, "I hope not!"
Last night Joel was putting the kids to bed since I was at my mothering class at church. Joel told me when I got home last night that Claire has asked him twice in the last week, "Why did God make me allergic to milk?" A good question from an almost 6 year old. It breaks your heart a little and a hard question to answer/ explain. Joel told her that since there is sin in the world, we all have sickness and pain to deal with. Some people's ailments are more apparent than others, wheel chairs etc... He told her that her Grandma Lust was in a lot of pain when she was here, but she is in heaven now and doesn't have the pain anymore. He explained that if you choose to follow Jesus you can go to heaven too and have a new body. Claire then wanted to know if we would recognize Grandma in heaven. Joel told her that he thought we would. She asked, "What color will her skin be? Will it be like McKenzie's?" (McKenzie is Claire's cousin who is half South African.) Joel said he didn't think so, but we will find out when we get there. Claire said, "I know! We will recognize Grandma by her glasses!" Joel replied, "Grandma has perfect eyes now and doesn't need glasses anymore, but we will still recognize her." Joel said that seemed to satisfy her for now.
Great stuff!

1 comment:

Leigh Ann said...

Some of the best discussions on Heaven take place with kids. It is real for them! I love the faith of children. :) Thanks for sharing!

Love the question about Grandma's skin. Where do they come UP with some of these things!?