Saturday, June 14, 2008

Snakes, Why'd it have to be Snakes

Today Joel and I are going to go see the new Indiana Jones Movie. I have been waiting several weeks to see it. They have been showing all the old movies this week on various channels. I can't wait, it should be a good time!

When I was in the garage a few minutes ago getting something out of the van, Joel tells me that there is a snake by the hose in the front. I don't know how he saw it. I wish I didnt' know it was there at all! I told the kids to come take a look and then it darted underneath the hose keeper. Ugh. I get sick just thinking about it. I really can't stand snakes. If it was in a cage, okay. But, it is free and could get me! I hate that feeling. It moved so fast. ugh. Ugh. Every time I think about it I get the shivers. Joel wasn't sure if I was faking my disgust or not. I assure you I am not. I am usually pretty good about frogs, worms, spiders, mice etc... Not so about snakes. He won't kill it either. He says it kills insects. I can even handle bats, let's just get more bats and get rid of the snakes!

You would think living out in the country we would see snakes more often. Luckily this isn't the case for me, otherwise I would be begging Joel to move into the city!

We just watched the snake disappear into this hole in the ground. How did it fit in there!? How many snakes are down there? Oh man.

1 comment:

Leigh Ann said...

Keith caught the Indy quote. :) Have fun! Give us a movie review on it later, will ya?