Friday, February 27, 2009

My apologies

Well, it sees that since a little before Christmas I have been shirking my responsibilities as a blogger. My apologies to all of my readers! With taking the kids to preschool 3 days a week and running MOPS, I just don't have as much time to come up with blog posts! I will try to do better!

House for Sale by Owner!

We have also been getting our house ready to sell. We found out around Christmas that we will be moving in April. The farm had the opportunity to buy a farm that already rent, but it came with a house. They wouldn't negotiate that. So, I told Joel we should take a look at it. It is about 5 miles closer to town and I thought it would be great for the kids to live on a farm- since Joel is a farmer. Hmmm. So anyway- we loved the house. It is bigger than ours and we will be saving money. The downside, an older house needs more upkeep. I am up to it. I am also going to try raising some chickens. The property has several barns and a chicken coop. An exciting venture for me. Now I just have to talk Joel into getting a horse! :) We are all excited about the upcoming move!

Our new house!

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