Claire started school last Thursday. I can't believe it. She seems to like her teacher and is making some new friends in her class this year. From what I can tell, she still plays with a lot of the same girls from last year at recess. She is growing up so fast. Unfortunately the hot weather last week hasn't helped Claire's asthma. She has needed breathing treatments everyday and we are trying to stay on top of it so she doesn't miss as much school as last year. Thank the Lord this week the weather will be cooler.
Claire and Collin both had their first soccer games on Saturday. Joel and I both like their coaches this year. Claire is on a team with all girls, which is good, but they are from 1st-3rd grade. So, some of the girls are a lot better than the others. They are learning the positions now and playing on a bigger field.
Collin's team is called the Cowboys although there are more girls than boys on his team. He hasn't complained and has seemed to enjoy going to practice and his first game. He really likes the stars they hand out and the bible verse card at practice. I think it makes him feel special. 
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