We got up the next morning and I asked Joel if we could please go to another hotel the next night. (we had already paid for 2 nights) He answered an adamant 'no way'. He was right. I was willing to pay another $100 bucks for a nicer place though. Someone had to be rational!
We headed to the Air Show. As we were walking into the Air Show, Claire was constantly whining and crying and saying her tummy hurt etc... We ended up stopping by the first aid tent before we had even found our seats! She was okay- it was just good to know that there wasn't something going on- with her asthma and stuff.
We found some seats and then we went to check out the static planes. Collin loved being able to climb into the planes. It was pretty fun. At this point the kids thought it was cool. The actual show didn't begin for another hour!
We picked up our free hotdogs and pepsi and headed back to our seats. The show was finally beginning. We watched the parachuters and the American Flag come down. Then the kids were getting antsy. It wasn't even noon yet! We went to the kids hangar and got the kids faces painted. That helped for a little while. Joel was enjoying the Air Show as all this was going on. I really tried not to complain since technically this was my birthday gift to Joel. We went to the Air Show together in 1998. That was the last time Joel had been. He loves it. He will watch a video he made from like 1992 or something. It is pretty boring to me. Not like being there in person.
Claire and Chloe were tired and they actually slept for a couple of hours! Every time a jet would come by, Chloe would cover her ears, even though she was asleep. It was quite funny.
The highlight of the show was the Raptor. Joel was excited when he found out that it was going to be there. It was pretty cool. 
The next day we headed down to the Creation Museum. At least this was going to be indoors! It was pretty neat. The kids probably headed through the walk-through part a little faster than Joel would have liked, but it was all good. After we made it through 2 shows and a mini show and the walk-through the kids wanted to go walking outside. There were several suspension bridges and a botanical garden along with a petting zoo. But, man, was it hot!
After we left the museum we stopped at IKEA on the way home. Joel wasn't as impressed as I wished he would have been. He did find some things he liked though. We though the kids would have konked out on the way home, but they didn't. They actually were very wound up and LOUD the whole way home. I could hardly think. It was nice to finally get home to our beds and some peace and quiet.
1 comment:
I remember my kids being so excited about the motel we stayed in last year during our trip to VA. Sarah thought it was the greatest thing that they "gave us food" (continental breakfast). They don't notice the detractors. :)
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