Saturday, April 19, 2008

Update on Collin

Thursday we went to the Cleveland Clinic to meet with a Dr. I found through the Selective Mutism Group. She is actually on the board with them. After finding out we were on a 10 month waiting list at Children's I felt like I needed to see if I could find something else. We were willing to drive 2 hours to talk to someone who has experience with this disorder.

It was a great appointment. She asked that we not bring Collin to this appointment. We were basically giving her Collin's background and history. It turns out that she has a daughter who has selective mutism and was about Collin's age when they discovered it. She has had much success with her daughter. She is encouraged because she said the younger they are, the easier it is to correct.

Our first assignment is to remove all expectations of talking all together. Not to say thank you, or hello, or goodbye even. I am not to ask him if he will talk to someone or if he did talk to someone etc... The anxiety is the fear of the expectation to talk. She said our goal is not to get Collin to talk, but to feel comfortable. To get rid of the anxiety. And then talking will come naturally when he is comfortable.

We have seen some improvements in the last month or so just on his own. He is talking to Asa, a boy from church and playgroup. He is also talking to some of the moms in our playgroup. He has talked 2 times at church now. I hope that this summer we will see dramatic improvement.

Dr. Eastman also encouraged us not to worry about his speech problems. She said that is normal right now and secondary to the SM. We will still try to work on it, but without making him talk! That will be hard.

Anyway- that is the update on Collin. Thanks for all your prayers and concerns! I will let you know of any improvements over the summer!

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