We celebrated Claire's birthday last Saturday. She had a few friends from church and a few friends from school. It was our first birthday party where the parents didn't stay. Joel tried to take one mom's coat and she was like, "I don't have to stay do I?" It was a first for us. It was actually pretty fun. We had an egg hunt for the kids in the basement. The kids got to decorate their bags when they arrived and after that we started the egg hunt. It is amazing how fast it was over! All that preparation.
It is hard to believe Claire is 6 now! She has been calling me 'mom' and Joel 'dad' now for about a week. Doesn't she know it is 'mommy' not 'mom'! Every time she does it I feel I need to correct her. We got Claire's bike out the other day and she was riding it without using her training wheels. Joel took them off and away she went! We didn't even have to teach her. She just knew how to do it. It is great to see how fast she is learning new things. 
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