Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What was I thinking?

Yesterday, Martin Luther King Day, I took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese. My BFF Trish asked me if we would want to meet her there. Originally she said at 9 am! I was like, how about 10? We were off to a slow start yesterday. We left the house at about 9:30. That meant we wouldn't get to Chuck E's until about 10:30.

Everyone was ready to go except Chloe. She is going through a Princess phase. I hope it is a phase! She wants to wear a dress every day. No matter how cold it is. We were all wearing jeans and sweat shirts yesterday, so I made Chloe wear what we were wearing. This started a temper tantrum. She cried and kicked and screamed the whole time I was dressing her. She was yelling, "I want to be a princess!" Oh boy. I should have known right then we should have stayed home.

One of the routes I take to get to Sawmill Rd. includes a road with a bunch of up and down hills on it. We call it the roller coaster road. I took this route yesterday. Usually Claire is the only one awake by the time we get to it, but they were all awake yesterday. I heard their "Whee's" on every hill. Chloe and Collin were in the back seat next to each other long after we passed this road still saying "Wheeeeee!" in unison. Then Chloe would shout out, "One more time!" And on and on it went. It was pretty cute. A moment I wish I could have video taped.

When we finally arrived at Chuck's place, I should have turned around and left when there were no parking spots left in the normal lot. I had to park in a lot next to the side of the building. I have never had to park that far away before. Needless to say, it was very busy yesterday. You had to wait in line to use almost every game and ride. They have a cool horse ride there that you control with the reigns. I noticed on the way out they also have a Deal or No Deal game. I will save that for when we go on a school day and there is no one there! (If we go back)

Trish was there and we decided it was too crowded to eat there and too expensive, so we were going to drive over to a nearby Burger King. We gathered our kids and exchanged our tickets for some very valuable prizes. Trish left before me. As I was trying to get the shoes and coats on, it was Chloe again who continually kept taking off the shoes and coat after I would put them on. All the while half whining/ half shouting, "I want to eat pizza! I want to eat pizza!" As I dragged her out of the craziness, there was a line of people out the door waiting to get into Chuck E.'s place. Did they know what they were getting into? I forgot to mention that I lost Chloe while I was getting the shoes and an employee was carrying her around to find me. At least you can't leave with a child that doesn't match the stamp on your hand!

Anyway. We headed over to Burger King where I ordered Mozerella Sticks for Chloe. They are similar to pizza right? Since she reminded me constantly the whole way over that she wanted to eat pizza! Every time she would take a bite she would get frustrated and spit out what was in her mouth because she couldn't bite the cheese apart. Ugh. I was so ready to go home by that point. I started to wonder why I thought it was so important to go to Chuck E. Cheese that day. I could have stayed home in my P.J.'s and did nothing that day. That sounded so much more fun!

It was still a fun day and very memorable. I hope I remember it the next time someone asks me to go to Chuck E. Cheese when there isn't school!

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