Friday, January 11, 2008

Selective Mutism

I posted back in October about how Collin Speaks. Well. It was just a fluke. He spoke that week to 2 teachers, and a girl in our playgroup, but he hasn't done it again since then. In December I talked to one of his speech teachers and she mentioned Selective Mutism. I had never heard of it. So, I got online and printed out a 7 page article about it. I showed it to Joel when he came home and we were both like "That is Collin" It really described so many things about him. How he is totally normal at home and talks, plays etc... but when he is out of his element or if someone comes into our home that isn't the norm, he closes up. It is a social anxiety disorder. It breaks our hearts to know that he has been having all this anxiety. But we feel better to know that we are on the right track to helping him. They say that trying to make a child who has selective mutism talk, makes them close up even more. I have noticed this with Collin a lot especially at family gatherings. His speech teacher even tried to bribe him to talk with candy. How hard can that be? Just say one word and you get candy. It didn't even work. They say that they are very stubborn, demanding- Collin.
Anyway, I am in the process of filling out a lot of paperwork about Collin for Children's Hospital. We have to be screened by the Autism department. We will need to see a behavioral phsychaitrist also. I am overwhelmed by all the questions I have to answer. When did Collin first sit, when did he crawl. I must be a terrible mother, but I only remember that he walked at 9 months. I figure all his other milestones were normal since I don't remember them. I marked them on a calendar somewhere, but I don't know where it is.
Please keep Collin in your prayers. He is very sick today with fever and cough. Over the next month or so, we will be going to Children's for these screenings 2 different times. Since he doesn't respond to people he doesn't know, I always feel helpless. I can't make him talk. It will be nice to find someone who has dealt with this before and knows that he isn't just being controlling.


Anonymous said...

Jenny, I can completely sympathize with you. I have a four year old daughter with what I am assuming is the same, selective mutism. It just makes me want to sob! Then my next thought is, "get over it, she is a healthy, beautiful, creative, intelligent and fun little girl...this too shall pass"

I will pray for your little boy Collin.

In Christ, Amy

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Anonymous said...

I haven't heard of SM, and I thought I'd read about everything on the autism spectrum! I'll be praying for you guys as you go through the testing. We've been through all the autism testing twice with David, so if you have any questions let me know. The specialists we dealt with were excellent and they are used to dealing with kids at all different levels of disability, so don't worry....they'll know how to get what they need. Keep me posted on how the testing goes!

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify - SM is not on the autism spectrum - though it can coexist with other things, like autism and SPD etc. There's a great article about what it is and what it is not at

Just wanted to throw it out there.

I have a 4.5 year old child who may (read: probably) have selective mutism. We are going to have her evaluated by a pediatric neuropsychologist in April. Autism and other issues need to be ruled out, but SM can exist without any other conditions.

Hope this helps any one else reading.